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Salem Journey - Day 1 (Sep 27)

Written by Papy Fisher

Greetings Friends of Desanka :) I am writing from Debbie's noble SUV somewhere in northern Pennsylvania, in transit to set up for a month of loving others in the way of Jesus in Salem, Massachusetts. It has been the beginning of an epic journey.

So far, 17 folks will join Michael Buchanan and me as we host a home in Salem to house all interested in coming to Salem for an extraordinary time of sharing various gifts of Love! Maybe you should come be a part of this adventure story!

"What is this that you are doing?"

But … before you ask God should you be with us this Halloween season in Salem, let me tell you what we are doing in the coastal Massachusetts city. In brief, we participate in a month-long street costume party and festival. We set up the Desanka Spirit Café and invite patrons of Salem’s Haunted Happenings to come in and receive an interpretation to their dream or tattoo, seek a word from Spirit about their identity or simply to receive a blessing. We ask Holy Spirit to show us something to give to them as a gift from God. He always shows up to love His children, many who are so very lost.

"Do I have what it takes?"

You may be thinking, “I have no training! I do not know where to start.” Well we have that all worked out for you! You see, Desanka is a ‘training - equipping - releasing’ organization that seeks to take the Person of Jesus to all who would seek Him. It is about showing up, present with all you are and all God is in you. We seek to be a place of peace, joy and love to strife-ridden lives, suffering no life-giving joy and we show up by simply letting Love pour through us. Sounds easy, right?! It is!! Let us show you how.

“OK. I have some questions.”

Contact me, Papy (Greg) Fisher and let me know when you are interested in coming up for a few days, a weekend or a whole week! We have some housing openings at various times and we would LOVE for you to come and join us should God lead us and you together. It is not an automatic acceptance for this trip, as it is a special environment and this may not be for you … or it may be designed just for you! Seek God for wisdom (a “yes - no - not this year - not this event - etc.) and let me know of your interest.

“I don’t think this is for me, but I think it is really a great opportunity!”

Maybe you already know that you are not to come to be a part this year, but we have need of those praying for us daily. I can supply you a list of who is here and when. You may also be able to help with finances (we are short about $5000 from our estimated budget need) and if that is the case, send a check to FOC or give online. Anything you can do will help us cover all of the cost of those that are sacrificing time, wages, and personal monies to serve up in Salem this year.

There is some cost (transportation cost until we have full budget met) but don’t let that stop you for considering if you should join with the Desanka Village to be a community of Love to the outcast.

The time is now - so pray and connect soon. Email me at or call 919-271-2718 and leave a message.


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